Office Bullying and Harassment Policy Volumn 2013 | Page 45

Managing interpersonal conflict There are different ways of managing interpersonal conflict, including seeking an informal resolution. An informal resolution process aims to resolve interpersonal conflict quickly and effectively. Intervening early where conflict exists can defuse a situation and prevent it from escalating into something more serious. Not all unpleasant or inappropriate conduct amounts to bullying and harassment. Workers might disagree on issues, they might not like what they’re asked to do, and they might not be friends with all of their co-workers. There are different ways of managing interpersonal conflict, including seeking an informal resolution. An informal resolution process aims to resolve interpersonal conflict quickly and effectively. Intervening early where conflict exists can defuse a situation and prevent it from escalating into something more serious. An informal resolution process might be as simple as talking to the parties involved about what behaviour is acceptable in the workplace and what is not. Other solutions might include mediation, where the parties sit together to discuss and resolve the issue. A manager or another person from the workplace may mediate the situation if they have the skills and it is appropriate. It’s important that all parties tru st and respect the mediator. If allegations of workplace bullying and harassment come to light during an informal resolution process, workplace parties should follow this handbook’s suggestions as appropriate and must comply with all legal obligations under the Workers Compensation Act. After an incident occurs Regardless of whether or not allegations of bullying and harassment are found to be true, they can affect an entire team, group, and workplace. So, after a bullying and harassment complaint is made, employers might work on “restoring the workplace.” This involves establishing or re?establishing positive working relationships. 30 Toward a respectful workplace