Office Bullying and Harassment Policy Volumn 2013 | Page 36
distress, anxiety, sleep disturbances, substance abuse, and/or suicidal thoughts or
physical illness
reduced work performance
Effects on bystanders
The effects of bullying and harassment are not limited to the intended target. Other employees who
witness such behaviour may:
be afraid to support or help the target in case they also get bullied
feel angry or stressed about the workplace culture
consider leaving the organization
join in, participating in the bullying and harassing behaviour
Effects on the workplace
Effects on the overall workplace might include:
reduced efficiency and productivity due to poor staff morale
increased stress and tension between workers
high absenteeism rates
higher turnover, resulting in higher recruitment costs
higher levels of client dissatisfaction
A study of nurses in more than 40 health units in western Canada examined the relationship between
being a direct target of bullying and working in a bullying environment. Not surprisingly, workers who
were targets of bullying were found to experience negative effects as a result. The study also showed
that working in an environment where others were being bullied can have negative consequences —
even for those who are not the targets. This can significantly affect workers’ choices about staying in or
leaving their jobs. These results are consistent with other research (Houshmand et al. 2012).
Toward a respectful workplace