The supervisor should follow up with Mei and Jenny separately.
If it seems that Jenny blames Mei for her actions, or that Mei was the only one who showed
interest in resolving the problem or changing her behaviour, it could be a sign that Jenny is
to maintain power over Mei. The supervisor should address this directly with Jenny.
If Mei and Jenny find a mutually satisfactory way to work together, the supervisor should check in
regularly with each of them individually. This should take place for a reasonable amount of time
following the incident, to ensure the problem does not recur.
The supervisor should be aware that Jenny might move onto a new target after Mei, so he or she
should monitor the situation accordingly.
Sometimes workers who have had a conversation about being an alleged bully will retaliate by
accusing the supervisor of bullying them. If this occurs, the supervisor should invite the worker to
follow organizational procedures and comply with any resulting investigation.
Toward a respectful workplace