1. Live like a student
Now is the time to enjoy the simple things. If you live
like a lawyer in school you’ll live like a student when
you’re a lawyer. Clip coupons, go to the cheap theatre,
hit up happy hour and learn to cook!
5. Plan for major purchases
Adjust your budget to build savings for a planned
large expenditure so you won’t have to use credit.
Want to go to the Rose Bowl or Shasta next year?
Start planning for your next big vacation now!
2. Know where your money goes
Be aware of how you spend your money. Coffee is the
one example, just a $4 a day coffee habit adds up to
$80 a month. Review how and where you spend your
money to see where you can cut back.
6. Renters insurance
Protect yourself by having a policy - it is a great
way to make sure your belongings are safe when
it comes to a fire, flood or theft. Many times it’s
cheap to add on to an existing insurance policy.
3. Develop a budget
A budget allows you to plan for expenditures and have
an easier time living within your means whether you have
trust fund. Make sure
financial aid, a job or an amazing t
rent and utilities will be covered and don’t rely on a credit
card at the end of the month.
7. Protect yourself
If you are living with roommates, make sure that
they are on the lease with you. Make sure that all
utilities are under just your name. If your friends
become enemies and decide to bail, it won’t just be
on you to clean up their mess.
4. Don’t rely on credit
Those concert tickets at WOW Hall can end up costing
several times their face value if you use credit and are
unable to pay it off right away.
8. Keep good records
Make a rent payment; get a receipt. Same goes
with utility payments. It’ll make life easier if you
track your payments, and not just through your
online banking account. Protect yourself and
your future.