OECS Stats In Focus Issue 16 | Page 5

The leader of the Nevis opposition party Hon. Joseph Parry, in his remarks, highlighted the need for education as a means to eradicate poverty.

Ms. Ann Maria Chandler from the CDB, emphasised the importance of poverty reduction to the work of her organisation. She stated that while St. Kitts and Nevis has made strides in reducing poverty, there still exists “pockets of poverty” which must be addressed. She reiterated the need for timely, accurate and relevant statistics to inform policies for poverty reduction, and the CDB’s commitment to support poverty alleviation.

Dr. Gale Archibald, Head of the Statistical Services Unit, who spoke on behalf of the Director General of the OECS Commission, commended the Government of St. Kitts and Nevis for investing in the Enhanced CPA and applauded the Federation for being the first among the OECS Member States to launch the CPA.

She explained to the audience that poverty reduction is one of the mandates of the Revised Treaty of Basseterre, and the provisions encourage Member States to

“promote sustainable social and cultural development that would ensure societies that are stable, safe and just and that are based on the promotion and protection of human rights, non-discrimination, respect for diversity, equality of opportunity, solidarity, security, and participation of all people".

The OECS Commission congratulates St. Kitts and Nevis and stands ready to supply the supporting resources to implement the enhanced CPA.

Other attendees at the launches included Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Sustainable Development, St Kitts, Ms Beverly Harris; Ms. Geraldine St. Croix, Project Coordinator, the Enhanced CPA; representatives from ECCB, trades and labour union; disability organisation; members of the NAT, senior public officers; leader of the opposition in Nevis, staff of both departments of statistics.