OECS Regional Education Statistical Digest 2017-18 | Page 37


This chapter reflects pupil enrolment in each cycle of education. Enrolment is captured for each participating Member State. The data depicts first public then private enrolment and finally an aggregated total for each cycle for each Member State. There is subsequently an overall total reflected in a similar manner as previously outlined for the sub region for each cycle.

It is our hope that the level of disaggregation would aid the end user in ascertaining the variations in pupil participation across the different cycles contrasted across the respective Member States and more so how the overall sub reginal figures are derived and where there are higher levels of subscriptions whether in the public or private institutions.

This chapter also seeks to reflect the distribution of pupils across classes whether they are below the given age of the class and hence deemed as “under-aged” or at the specific age and “class-aged” or older in which case they are referred to as “over-aged.