OECS Education Statistical Digest 2013 / 2014 | Page 30

4. Internal Efficiency (Cont'd)

4.4 Repetition Rates: Primary & Secondary

Trends for repetition rates for all countries were similar to those reported for numbers (Note that rates were not calculated for Montserrat because there were too few students to make use of percentages).

Primary Repetition Rates

Antigua and Barbuda, Dominica, St. Kitts and Nevis, and St. Vincent and the Grenadines all reported their highest rates of repetition for kindergarten. Respectively, Grenada and the British Virgin Islands reported slightly higher and equal rates of repetition in Grade five.

Similar to the number of repeaters, repetition rates appear to be higher for male students from Kindergarten and to Grade 6. Of note, however, is that: St. Kitts and Nevis had slightly higher rates for females in Grade two; and St. Lucia had equal rates of repetition for grade three.

St. Kitts and Nevis and St. Lucia reported much lower total rates of repetition in secondary school than the other countries.

Secondary Repetition Rates

Overall rates of repetition were higher for secondary school than primary school except for St. Lucia which reported lower secondary school repetition.

Repetition rates were drastically lower at the fifth form level than any of the previous years in Antigua and Barbuda, Dominica, Grenada, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, and the British Virgin Islands. These same countries reported higher rates of repetition for males than females in Forms 1 and 2. Some of those rates are much higher for males and the trend continues with decreasing disparity into forms three and four. The exception to this trend is Dominica where a slightly lower percentage of boys than girls repeated Form 3.

4.5 Major Trends: Repetition

Major trends include: (1) higher repetition by male students in both primary and secondary; (2) more repeaters at the secondary level than at the primary; (3) lower rates of repetition at the primary and secondary levels in St. Kitts and Nevis, and St. Lucia than the other countries; (4) St. Lucia is the only country with lower rates of secondary repetition than primary repetition; (5) markedly higher repetition rate at the secondary level in St. Vincent and the Grenadines; and (6) consecutively lower repetition rates in Dominica since 2008-09 in the OECS.

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