This really is a new world we are living in – maybe not new as in the way some people imagined after December 21st, 2012, but new nonetheless.
Virtually every once-stable institution of civil and political
May you all be profoundly blessed.
society is in turmoil in almost every country in the world, from the banking systems through to the global economy down to each individual's life. No more do we have 'cradle to grave' employment. No more will a single post-school qualification ensure reliable employment for your whole life, or, these days, even for a decade. Increasingly, people have to rely on themselves, their own resources, their own ingenuity and creativity; making their own businesses and creating new ways to fund these. Having launched full time into the digital realm this year, we are fully aware of how scary, challenging and exciting these times are. But, as with ourselves, for those who see the future and are ready to dive into those still-unclear waters, there are great gifts to be found. In our case, it is a vastly larger audience (last issue had reached at least 64?000 people when this was written) – plus the recent launch of a UK version of Odyssey, called Body, Spirit & Mind. So, in a world 'gone mad', we are needing to rely on ourselves and our extended network of family, friends and those of like mind. We need to see how the 'new economy' may support us in living out our dreams. In this respect, we have some great articles in this issue to help you find your way. We have a fantastic piece on a (relatively) new way of funding start-up businesses, called crowdfunding. We have an article on creating the work you love and we have something on mindfulness, a way of being that has the power to actively change the way you see and experience life, regardless of how crazy the world seems to be at any particular moment. Beyond these, we have a focus on women (being women's month) and another on earthing, the process of re-establishing and maintaining one's vital connection to the earth, our ultimate 'mother' in terms of the resources for living on this planet. And then, apart from our regular features and articles, we ]?HH??\H[?H?X[H[?\?\?[??YX?\??H?[?\??Z[?????\?[??H?XX?\?[??\?\?Y?H?[X[??[??Y][?[X[\??H???\?8?$?[?Z\?[X^?[???\X?]H?X[]?[?HY\\??X??Y[[?[?[??[??\??[\??X\?[Z\?X?[?\?X?[]Y\??[?]?\?YX?[???]?[?H[??YX?]?H?X??[??\??X?\?K??H[??]?HH?\??[\?\?[K???[???X??
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