Bwiti Naming Ceremony Iboga & Addiction Treatment
Acclaimed author, Graham Hancock, gives a talk on the traditional healing plant of South America, Ayahuasca
of ibogaine, along with precursors of ibogaine, are also found in Voacanga africana'.
Mushrooms of magic
Research is currently being done on Psilocybin mushrooms
Cactus of mystery
as effective treatment for depression. The following extract has been taken from Prof Nutt and his team at Imperial College London (UK) have shown that when healthy volunteers are injected with psilocybin, the drug switched off a front part of the brain called the anterior cingulate cortex, which is known from previous imaging studies to be over-active in depression. 'We found that, even in normal people, the more that part of the brain was switched off under the influence of the drug, the better they felt two weeks later,' Nutt explains. 'This is the basis on which we want to run the trial, because this is what you want to do in depression: you want to switch off that over-active part of the brain. 'The other thing we discovered is that the major site of action of the magic mushrooms is to turn down a circuit in the brain called the "default mode network", which the anterior cingulate cortex is part of. The default
The San Pedro cactus native to the Andes in Ecuador and Peru has been used traditionally as a healing pant for over 3? 000 years. According to 'The key hallucinogenic alkaloid in the San Pedro cactus is mescaline. Mescaline is unique among drugs in that its main action is a stimulant of the visual and visuopsychic areas of the cortex which allows the brain to experience an altered state of consciousness. Mescaline is also found in many other cacti and succulents, including the well known Peyote cactus.' Even though structured medical research on the healing effects of mescaline has not yet been conducted, many people report miraculous healing with the use of this shamanic medicine.