Odyssey Magazine Issue 4 | Page 14

ADVERTORIAL Ryuho Okawa, founder of Happy Science in Japan, has devoted his life to the exploration of the truth and ways to happiness. In two books recently released in SA, Invincible Thinking and An Unshakable Mind, he introduces two concepts new to both South African leadership and spiritual development. Paula Marais takes a look. It is a methodology that makes it possible to find lessons in both success and failure, thus encouraging the development of leadership. As Okawa explains, 'invincible thinking provides the dynamite to blast through solid rock, a drill to bore through all the barriers until you achieve your goals'. Part of the invincible thinking toolkit is the ability to self-reflect. People often dream about how good life would be if their wishes could be realised, the paths opened up with ease. In actual fact, one learns more from the process of going through the ups and downs of life. Says Okawa: 'When things are going well, people tend to be preoccupied with their own satisfaction and pleasure to the exclusion of all else; in other words, they forget to consider other people's feelings.' Only when they themselves have experienced misfortune or adversity will they be able to understand the feelings of others. That is why, when one suffers a setback, whether in one's relationships, health or work, one should not see this negatively. Says I nvincible thinking as perceived by Okawa is a philosophy that allows people to succeed in any situation. Okawa: 'It offers you a chance to strengthen your soul, while at the same time allowing you to gain a deeper understanding of other people.' As such, =????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????L????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????I??????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????Q???????????????????????????L???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????Q?????????????????????????????????????????????????????=????()????????????((0