Odyssey Magazine Issue 1, 2016 | Page 89

Aries: Dear Aries, February finds you focused So put the books down and bring out the paints on your short-term goals, and you have the you thought you'd never pick up again. You're will this month to pursue what you want with not normally an emotional sign, but this month grit and tenacity. Your ruler Mars is in one of sees an upsurge in the feeling barometer and his own signs – Scorpio – which makes him one way to deal with it is by processing your strong and powerful. Mars will retrograde into feelings through art, dance and play. Your inner Sagittarius in March, so make the most of this child is wild to get out, so indulge him or her. powerful time. You now have the ability to Be aware of over the top feelings of romance point your arrow, shoot it and follow it straight and keep your head – you could be inclined to its target. You are also going to experience to push a little far in many ways. Use your an influx of ideas, seemingly out of nowhere, gift of objectivity in all things. Also watch for and I would advise you jot them down, for power games – keep the games fun, and don't even if you can't put them into motion right allow them to become dark or manipulative for now, there will come a time in which you will anyone. look back and wish you had the insight you have now. The downside of this process is Cancer: Cancerians will find themselves that people may think you behaving slightly extra-focused on getting a routine into place erratically, especially those you work closely over the month of February. After the fun and with, as well as those at home. It's ok, you can indulgence of the festive season, you could be the mad genius too – that quality is not only be feeling like you need to shape up and find reserved for Aquarians. some self-discipline. It is a good month indeed to take care of your body so I would encourage Taurus: Beautiful bulls, you might be feeling you to renew that yoga contract and start rather adventurous this month with your ruler, juicing again. It's a month where you could Venus in carefree Sagittarius – perhaps you are also be feeling somewhat low, but you know even feeling a little itch to go out exploring the what Cancer – nothing ever lasts, so lay low world. However, I would advise you wait a little, for a while, find something to do every day that as this month sees you tied up in affairs at gives you a sense of satisfaction, so that by the home – perhaps looking at property or moving time this cycle is over, you are feeling renewed home is on the cards for you. You are a sign and refreshed, as well as stable and grounded. that resists change, but I would use this time to The time you take to self-reflect – even if it scratch that adventurous itch and maybe make feels a little dark – is never time wasted, for as a few changes here and there – at your own much as we need to work on the outside, our pace, of course. If you do decide to make some world will always reflect to us what is inside. changes, just be careful of incurring debt or of So, Cancer, time to do some work – inside and people being in debt to you – that sort of thing out. You won't regret it. is never very pleasant in the end. Keep it tidy and you will be grateful that you did so. Lastly, Leo: Leos have been so very busy having be very conscious of whatever you're putting in fun and being social, as well as climbing the your body, as well as your emotional state, as career ladder, that your relationships have both could become out of balance for the next perhaps just been trundling along, without few weeks. much attention given to them. Now is the month to turn your full focus onto your partner, Gemini: Things are heating up in the romance and pour some love out of that great big heart department for you, Gemini – how exciting. of yours into this area of your life. Long walks, Have you met someone new perhaps, or are picnics, quality