person, and are dependent upon where you practise, and
clouds or thundershowers. Some weeks I've missed 3
the consistency of your daily practise.
or 4 days of sun gazing. When that happened, I simply
In an article on Sun Gazing, Carolanne Wright
picked up where I'd left off once the weather was more
writes: 'Scientific research supports the advantages
conducive for sun gazing. It is essential to keep a daily
of sun gazing. According to Dr Edward F Group III of
record of your times so you always know the exact and
the Global Healing Center, a few perks of the practice
specific time of your sun gazing activities, like 2 minutes
include enhanced production of melatonin and serotonin.
40 seconds so the next sunny day will become 2 minutes
Research has found that when direct sunlight enters
50 seconds.
the eyes it moves through the retinohypothalamic tract
stimulated to secrete both melatonin and serotonin, two
How to practise
Sun gazing
hormones that regulate sleep/wake cycles and positive
Sun gazing is simply that; gaze directly into the sun as
states of mind, respectively. Melatonin is also a potent
it moves over the horizon either within the first hour of
antioxidant which slows the ill effects of ageing.
the sun rising above the horizon, or within the last hour
and continues into the brain. The pineal gland is then
Increased pineal
gland size
before the sun sets. Standing bare foot on the earth, it
is essential to start your first day of sun gazing looking
directly into the sun for just 10 seconds. Then build up
Bombarded by fluoride, toxins and electromagnetic
in 10 second increments per day thereafter, for example:
pollution, the pineal gland shrinks and calcifies as we age
day 1) 10 seconds, day 2) 20 seconds, day 3) 30 seconds,
– compromising melatonin and serotonin production. Sun
day 4) 40 seconds, day 5) 50 seconds and day 6)