Odyssey Magazine Issue 1, 2016 | Page 45

Then, once you have the person's undivided attention of persuasion and attraction found in hypnosis, as do the mind becomes open to positive suggestions that politicians, and yet I don't hear the psychology elite help and encourage the individual to put problems into getting over-excited about that. As a generalisation, perspective, retake ownership of their feelings and psychologists have no real understanding of hypnosis. emotions, and, eventually, their lives. None of the easy, And hypnosis is something that the vast majority of them simple mental gymnastics needed for this are practiced by will never use. psychologists – all these tools and techniques have been Anyway, enough said on that. I'm going to teach discovered or invented in the last two decades and are hypnosis and the hell with it. In fact I'm going to teach it available to anyone. and then tell everyone to do exactly what I do with most There are literally hundreds (if not thousands) of books, of my clients, and that is to take hypnosis and put it over tapes, DVDs and so on dedicated to self-improvement. there in the corner. In fact, let's forget about hypnosis Almost without exception, they utilise the techniques of altogether and do some creative relaxation – that's much hypnosis and teach the reader to do the same. And why more effective. Problem solved. O not? Advertisers use the very same subtle techniques See ad below for info on Andrew Newton's SA tour. ODYSSEY 45 •  DIGIMAG