Odyssey Magazine Issue 1, 2016 | Page 36

A few years ago I wrote a book recommending without realising it. optimism as a good way to see the world. When The news is often more morbidly entertaining than I told people what I was doing they would often informative. And any journalist will tell you that disaster take a step back – literally. It was as if I was arguing for makes better news than celebration. Relaying horror the impossible. Why would I want ignore reality in this stories is good for big business and for politics. Anxious way, they would exclaim: I only had to look around me customers buy more stuff to soothe their emotions and at all the wars and misery to disprove my thesis. There is voters are quiescent when they are scared. The pessimist something wrong about being cheerful while there is so hears his beliefs confirmed – there is ever more crime and much suffering in the world, was the implied view. violence and abuse – and stops asking questions. Circumstances seemed to prove they were right The optimist, however, examines the source of his and I was wrong. Just as I was sending The Optimist's information to know who is delivering it to him, how and Handbook to my publisher, the global financial crisis why. More importantly, he tries to see things in context broke. and in balance. It is easy to forget that there have to But I was not and am not deterred. You can always be opposites (how would we know virtue if we didn't find good reasons to throw your hands up in despair know vice, peace if we didn't know war?) and there are but let's get one thing straight to begin with. Bad things cycles to all affairs – which should always remind us that happen all the time and the true optimist doesn't wriggle 'progress' and 'development' are loaded words and when out of this. 'If way to the Better there be,' wrote Thomas we assume that things should go in a particular direction Hardy, 'it exacts a full look at the worst.' we are setting ourselves up for a fall. Optimism is not an easy choice. If you want to play Optimism, though, is more than an assessment of safe in any argument and not expose yourself to ridicule, facts. It is an attitude and it can take a consciouss effort. be a pessimist. The optimism/pessimism argument often comes down to The difference between the two stances is often an assumption about human nature (are we inherently summed up as seeing the same set of facts in different nasty?), a belief in human potential and a vision of the ways: either the glass is half full or half empty. But any long term. Things can take time. thinking optimist or pessimist will point out that it is not It is often argued that it is easy to be an optimist if life that at all. It is the assessment of the facts that counts is good to you but the truth may be the exact opposite. – the contents of the glass can be measured exactly – One of the most eloquent essays on optimism was written followed by a judgment of which way things are heading by the deaf and blind American woman Helen Keller. – is there water to endlessly refill the glass or should we Another famous optimist was Nelson Mandela, who spent treat this as the diminishing last half glassful? On balance, 27 years in prison for his political beliefs, knowing that going by the evidence alone, should we hope or despair? the regime that had put him there could not last forever. The first challenge, then, is to see clearly what is going on. We get most of our information about world events The lucky and well-off, on the other hand, can be deeply fearful and suspicious of the future because they risk losing what they have. through the mass media and social media. All the Optimism has to be a deliberate and conscious choice information we receive in these two ways has been and there are two reasons to opt for it, the personal and pre-selected and filtered by somebody before it gets to the public. us. Mostly we do not consume facts that we can and do Positive thinking is in your own self-interest. Studies check. We accept summaries, judgments and narratives have shown that optimists are better equipped than that save us from thinking too hard. In other words, pessimists to recognise and adapt to 'negative' information we feed on other people's obsessions and bias, mostly and to take action to avoid risk or danger. They also tend to rebound faster from bad luck and setbacks which they are likely to reclassify as 'challenges'. Optimists cope better with suffering – they have an innate will to make the best of the situation and know that despair serves no useful purpose. If you have to live with pain or struggle with depression, optimism is really your only option. ODYSSEY 36 •  DIGIMAG