Odyssey Magazine Issue 1, 2016 | Page 18

so, during which the pharmaceutical industry has run appear to be in default on several fronts – and it is into ever-increasing consumer headwinds of diminishing understood from unimpeachable sources that at least one revenues, as allopathic medicine patents ran out allowing and probably two different groups of affected parties are generic production at much lower costs, as well as likely to drag these officials into court, even if necessary growing resistance among consumers to its side-effect through private prosecutions as is allowed under SA law, laden products. and make them account for their failures. This pattern was abundantly clear, especially to the This could mean that everyone involved, from the 'Big Pharma' entities, as a growing number of citizens of Minister of Health, through the Director-General in that these countries – as here in South Africa – were choosing department and every other relevant line official, might to avoid allopathic medicines if they could, preferring find themselves trying to explain the inexplicable – and the much safer alternatives of complementary medicines face heavy penalties and possibly losing the right to ever and of traditional medicine (mainly herbs) with very long again hold public office, if found guilty. track records, some running into millennia, of safe and effective use. The shock-waves of such an outcome could rock the Zuma administration to its roots, setting a precedent for But in Canada and those EU states where regulations line government officials of every stripe and in every very similar to those which the local DoH has issued have other government department, from national through 'We are thinking ways of fighting this law in court. It's simply more apartheid medicine all over again, just imposed from a different angle. Whether such a law comes from whites or blacks, or any government representing them, is irrelevant.' - Chief Richard Kutela been imposed, that trend has been halted and even regional and down to local councillors, to face the wrath reversed as once all-allopathic pharmaceutical giants have of angry citizens who choose to take them to legal task launched into the 'green fields' of CAMs and, in South for maladministration. Africa's case, potentially also TAMs. The battle is not over While the DoH bureaucrats – and, allegedly, their 'pals 'Medical apartheid' in Big Pharma International Inc' – may be rubbing their For their part, most of the organised traditional hands in glee over the fact that President Zuma has healers (some 220 000 are members of one of several ignored an impassioned plea by traditional healers, in the representative bodies) are adamantly opposed to the form of a letter to him which Odyssey has seen and which new law, whether it supposed to relate to them and their asked him not to sign this obviously faulty law, the battle products or not, as they see it as part of an organised over SA's enormously rich natural healing plant heritage, effort from beyond this country's borders to hijack South along with all other forms of CAMs, is far from over. Africa's rich and diverse complementary health resources, For one thing, in South African law any officials – such •  DIGIMAG mainly its healing herbs and plants. as those in the DoH who have shepherde BF