Odyssey Magazine Issue 1, 2016 | Page 10

INSIGHTSOUT PLANET NINE Growing evidence is pointing to a new planet lurking in the far reaches of our solar system about 10 times the mass of Earth, which may have an orbit 20 times further from the sun than Neptune. The distance of Planet Nine from our sun would be quite extraordinary. It would take this far-out world 15 000 years to loop around the sun, in a strange elliptical orbit. Scientists have yet to catch a glimpse of this planet, but believe the chances are extremely high that it exists given contextual clues gleaned from the orbits of other known bodies. If it does exist, it will be just the third planet discovered in our solar system in modern times, following Uranus (1781) and Neptune (1846). The first bit of evidence pointing to Planet Nine comes from the curious orbits of six Kuiper Belt objects (KBOs) that have been discovered in our outer solar system. Even though these KBOs are all moving at different speeds, they're on elliptical paths that all point in the same direction. To put this coincidence in perspective, the odds of it happening by chance are roughly 0.007%. THE SOLAR SYSTEM TO SCALE IN A DESERT A group of friends discovered there were no proportional models of the solar system with complete planetary orbits – most portray the planets and moons as too close together. So they decided to build one. On a dry lakebed in Nevada, the group constructed a model by drawing circles in the desert around a 1.5m sun and a marble-sized Earth small enough to get lost in filmmaker Wylie Overstreet's pocket. The result is a stunning work of land art that allows viewers to see the full circle of the Earth with their own eyes. For the full story click here. For the full story click here. MIND CONTROL Lisa Park is an American-born, Korean-raised artist living in New York who uses bio-feedback devices as a tool to investigate her inner states and emotional states. These performances explore the possibilities of self-monitoring her physical and psychological states to create an audio-visualisation of herself. By combining EEG scanning with speakers and pools of water to visualise her thoughts and emotions, she exposes her brain patterns to the world. In the video, left, she has outfitted 48 vibration pools, each with a speaker that vibrates according to Park's brain wave-interpreting algorithm, which tranforms intense signals from Park's Emotiv EEG headset into intense vibrations in the pools of water atop speakers. ODYSSEY 10 •  DIGIMAG