Ask the Board
Based on your experience , what is the benefit of section leadership / involvement and how do you utilize your membership in the section ( s ) professionally ?
AMY CHENG Nelson Mullins
As the vice chair of the Litigation Section , I have experienced firsthand the benefits of Section leadership / involvement . First , the network . Through my involvement with the Litigation Section , I have built and developed relationships with opposing counsel and judges . Second , my leadership style . As a result of leading many breakfast programs and planning various social events , I have better understood my leadership style . Third , my depth of relevant litigation topics . The Litigation Section prides itself on putting forth programming that is timely . Thus , I have learned so much through my involvement with the Atlanta Bar Litigation Section .
EMILY WARD Continuum Legal Group
Getting involved with section leadership gave me the opportunity to expand my reach , explore areas of interest , and raise my personal profile . I have used the excuse of needing to put an event or CLE together as a reason to have lunch or coffee with people I admired or wanted to get connected with and have maintained those relationships in the years since .
KEVIN PATRICK Kevin Patrick Law
As the current chairperson of the Atlanta Bar Association ’ s Litigation Section , it has been a rewarding and humbling experience leading the section . But we are though truly a team , and I sincerely appreciate the Board of Directors and the Atlanta Bar ’ s support during my tenure . Section leadership and engagement has been instrumental to my practice , especially now that I have my own firm . The Litigation Section ’ s members , which are comprised of a wide array of litigators , are a great referral network . In addition , the section ’ s CLEs are a great way to stay abreast of current legal trends and provide useful information about law practice growth and management too . I would strongly encourage others to become and stay engaged in the Atlanta Bar Association , and I am always happy to be a resource to them too bring forth programming that is timely . Thus , I ’ ve learned so much through my involvement with the Atlanta Bar Litigation Section .
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