Workers ' Compensation Section
CARRIE ANNIS Stottlemeyer & Associates , LLC carrie @ stottlemyerlaw . com
The Workers ’ Comp Section has been busy planning for the new year with some great events and happenings for our members . Our section board first met for lunch on July 25th to kick off the year and discuss upcoming events . Our Board is chaired by Andre Ramsay ( chair ), Carrie Annis ( vice chair ), and Brian Cunha ( treasurer / secretary ). Our first event took place in conjunction with the Litigation Section and the Small Firm Section on October 19th at Monday Night Brewing . It was a great chance to mingle with colleagues and meet some new faces and had a great turn out . Our next event will take place on November 30th at Local Three with the return of the annual Holiday Section Party . It is sure to be a Holly Jolly time full of festive mingling and socializing .
The Section will also be putting on two luncheons to take place in February and April at the Capital City Club in downtown Atlanta . These luncheons will highlight speakers to provide attending members with case law updates and an active discussion on settlement approvals , pitfalls and resolutions , headed up by the Settlement Division Director at the State Board .
Finally , the Workers ’ Comp section has decided to raise funds to help benefit the Side by Side Clubhouse , which is the only workoriented day program in Georgia that specifically supports adults with brain injuries and their families . Side by Side Clubhouse has three raised garden beds , and they need funding to rebuild
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