Golf Course Superintendent
Hello members ,
I would like to start by congratulating Bryan Song for winning this year ' s Men ' s Club Championship . Prior to the tournament , we sprayed a chemical that helps dry out the surface of the greens . The goal was to make them firmer and faster for the event . I believe we were able to accomplish this . We also dropped the height of cut on the greens to help with the speed . We were more aggressive with our vertical mowing on the greens which assisted in facilitating a smoother roll . Finally , we turned the water down on the fairways to help firm them up . Any feedback is welcomed and appreciated , as we are always looking to improve the product .
The seasons are changing , and I could not be happier . I don ' t know about most of you , but I do not care for 115 + degree weather at all . With that being said , the days are getting shorter and the nights are getting longer . That means autumn aerification is upon us . This year , we will be aerifying on October 26th and 27th . We will be doing our usual “ drill and fill ” on 6 of our greens to continue to improve drainage and their overall health . Our plan is to over-seed the tees , fairways , and collars . This will require us to be closed from October 26th through October 31st . It is critical that we irrigate with the correct amount of water as soon as the seed is down in order to ensure that the seed germinates and establishes a good root zone . We ask that you please be patient with this process , because we will be turning water on throughout the day to make sure we get excellent results . Thank you in advance for your understanding . I look forward to seeing you all out on the course . Until next time , keep your golf game sharp .
Sincerely ,
Leo Carerra
Golf Course Superintendent