“ In God we trust . Everyone else bring data .” I ’ ve referenced this Michael Bloomberg quote many times throughout my City Council campaign , whether it be discussing my priorities at candidate forums or knocking on doors to hear what matters to voters . That ’ s because we need data in order to deliver results for Laguna Beach .
For years , our community has craved a cohesive vision that would take Laguna into the future . It often
feels like our core values – smalltown character , environmental sustainability , a warm and inclusive culture – only show up in a piecemeal fashion . Why aren ’ t our arts thriving ? Where ’ s a comprehensive strategy for making Laguna walkable and bike-friendly ? What ’ s our plan for wildfires , housing , our kids ’ safety , and more ? How is it that the foundations of our community – which I think we all hold dear – aren ’ t fully integrated in our decision-making ?
There have been attempts to create a holistic , values-based plan for Laguna Beach . Vision 2030 ( 1999 ) and the Climate Protection Action Plan ( 2009 ) are two laudable examples . But in both cases , there was no implementation plan . Community members offered excellent ideas , but the City did not lay out a clear roadmap to make those ideas a reality .
I want Laguna Beach to plan for its long-term future as a hub of inclusion , sustainability , and innovation . More importantly , I want us to implement those plans and deliver positive results for Laguna . As a Councilmember , I ’ d use data to make that happen .
First , I ’ d push the City to create a 5-Year Strategic Plan that outlines
our City ’ s mission , vision , high-level goals , and metrics for the next five years . Our current “ strategic planning ” process is a wishlist for one year — not a real long-term strategy . That must change .
We must then restructure the budget process to follow the strategic plan , allowing the City to make budgetary decisions based on how they advance strategic priorities . I strongly support performance-based budgeting , wherein City department heads identify performance metrics and create a plan to track them . Funding would then be allocated based on outcomes , incentivizing continual improvement and efficiency at City Hall . Without collecting and basing decisions on data , we ’ re doomed to continue planning without results .
Data-driven governance might sound cold and generally un-sexy . But I want to emphasize that people are an integral part of this evidence-based approach . Data doesn ’ t just come from traffic reports and tax filings ; it comes from listening to community members , who can best speak to whether their needs are being met . As with Vision 2030 and the Climate Protection Action
Plan , we need Lagunans ’ ample insights and talents to build a collective future .
That ’ s why we need more ways to listen – and listen better – to Laguna residents . Public hearings and resident workshops are great , but they are not an answer in themselves . We need standards around what exactly happens at public hearings , who participates , how community feedback is collected , and what the City then does with that feedback .
We also need more creativity when it comes to soliciting community input . That will allow us to hear from residents who do not feel as comfortable attending a public hearing , or who need to work or care for their kids on a Tuesday night instead of going to a City Council meeting . Neighborhood listening sessions , virtual forms of participation , and interactive feedback channels are all excellent tools .
The challenges we face are complex . There are no easy solutions , and I will never pretend that I have all the answers . But I pledge to be a Councilmember who listens to the community , does my homework , and makes evidence-based decisions to benefit the city we all love .