OCTOBER 2024- GOOD NEWS issue to publish online | Page 41


Dear Battle of the Sexes :
My husband has one issue that drives me nuts . No matter what room he ' s in , if he opens a cupboard or closet door , he is incapable of closing it . He never closes it ! It not only irritates me , it ' s also worrisome because our two dogs take full advantage of his neglectful habit and have devoured a good amount of snacks that were not intended for them . Luckily , they haven ' t gotten sick yet . What is so difficult about closing a darn door ?
- Frustrated , Lock Haven
Dear Battle of the Sexes :
Everyone is always complaining about their other half . I want you to print my compliment to my loving wife whom I love very much . I constantly marvel at her ability to keep our chaotic household running smoothly . Sure , she complains once in a while , but certainly not as much as she has a right to ! She works a full-time job , but also keeps me and our kids fed , clothed , and happy . She doesn ' t ever take time for herself , though I am always encouraging her to go out with her friends . I feel extremely lucky to have her , but I also feel guilty , too , because I know she doesn ' t always feel appreciated . I ' m going to give her this note if and when it ' s published , along with a big hug and kiss , and an " I love you ." - Your loving husband , State College
Send letters and / or responses to : “ Good News ” P . O . Box 99 , Avis , PA 17721 or email : goodnews . pawspets @ gmail . com .
Opinions expressed in this column are those of the letter writers , and are not necessarily shared by the “ Good News ” Staff .

Thought For The Day

“ One of the most sincere forms of respect is actually listening to what another has to say ." - Bryant Mcgill

Silly Snapshots

So how rich would you be ??
See something that tickles your funny bone ? Email your picture to : bearcountrygoodnews @ gmail . com .
Keep it clean , please ! Be sure to include your name , address , and phone number in email .
Just fill in the entry form below and mail to : “ GOOD NEWS ” P . O . Box 99 • Avis , PA 17721 Must receive entries by 2pm on 10 / 22 / 24 .
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www . bearcountrygoodnews . com “ Good News ” -- October -- 39