October 2023 Magazine (1) | Page 27

SAAA Connecting the Dots : What does this mean ?

by Kyle Ward , Executive Director , San Antonio Apartment Association
During a recent SAAA Board of Directors meeting , I referenced “ Connecting the Dots ” during my board report . This has been such an exciting year observing SAAA ’ s successful dot connecting . And most likely you are asking – what does this mean ?
Our mission includes strong action verbs such as communicate , educate , and advocate . For SAAA to be truly effective , it ’ s critical we connect and effectively communicate with our members . We will continue to be laser focused on member experience and recognition , the weekly Scoop , Residence Magazine and our recently unveiled SAAAdvocate . But the best way to connect with you is in person at our classes and magnificent events and mixers . Great associations don ’ t exist without great people ! Engaged members are the fuel necessary to achieve a mission .
We educate . This has been a banner year for SAAA education . Just an incredible thanks to our instructors and our members who make professional development a priority . We have already released the 2024 class schedule , and I promise you will be ‘ wowed ’ again in 2024 . This is all part of connecting you to learning opportunities to enhance personal and professional growth . And you can connect SAAA with your business colleagues and peers by encouraging them to take advantage of all the professional development opportunities SAAA has to offer . SAAA connects you and in turn you connect to your network .
Advocate can mean different things to different people . In short , advocate means our association passionately articulates the priorities for SAAA and works hard to convince others to believe it as much as we do . This is not an easy task , and the complexities of city and state / federal governments make it even more important for SAAA to believe in what we say and do what we say . Advocate and educate go hand in hand . Our job is to make sure all our elected officials and those who work in municipalities and state and federal government understand the “ why ” of our positions and how their votes and stances on issues can either help the multifamily industry flourish or possibly make it suffer .
We are working hard at the SAAA Board and staff levels to connect all the dots , but we need your help . Donating to the SAAA Political Action Committee , regularly registering for classes , and enjoying all the fun and networking time at events and mixers will connect us all as an association , ultimately making San Antonio the best place to live and work . Today I heard by 2030 San Antonio will have three million residents . Isn ’ t that amazing ? Let ’ s make sure all our dots are connected so we are ready for this massive growth .
SAAA values our members and your spirit for our industry !
Kyle Ward Executive Director San Antonio Apartment Association