October 2023 ASCE Newsletter | Page 3


Do , or do not . There is no try . – Yoda in “ The Empire Strikes Back ”.
I suppose there is an abundance of other motivational quotes I could throw at you but given my past professed love for the original movie trilogy , seen this coming , you should have … Last month we introduced you to your New Board of Directors and talked about what we hoped to accomplish in the coming fiscal year but perhaps we should have provided you with some resources to get involved . So here it goes !
Become an ASCE - Key Contact . ASCE Key Contacts influence the policy process at the state and federal levels by developing relationships with elected officials . By meeting and making contacts with your elected officials in several ways , you can achieve true conversations about issues important to the profession , and become a trusted advisor when bills are drafted or considered .
Consider joining or chairing an ASCE NH Committee . Want to get involved but not sure how ? Contact us about joining the History and Heritage , Government Affairs , Land-Use or Education Committee .
Get involved with the ASCE UNH Student Chapter here or here . Students get the chance to build bridges and concrete canoes , who wouldn ’ t want to be involved with that ? Judges are needed for these events , which will be hosted by UNH this year ! The student chapter is also always looking for professionals to provide presentations , tours , or participate on panels to share their engineering knowledge .
For our members who are age 35 or under join the ASCE Younger Members for a social event . Events are hosted at fine restaurants and taverns across the State . Come enjoy trivia , board games , and expand your network .
Whether you are early in your career or closer to the end , you have essential skills that can make a tremendous difference to those around you . So do - become a volunteer today !
A great day , have ! Nick Golon , PE ASCE-NH President