Scott B . Smith 2022-23 PBCBA President
Is it just me , or are things ( our schedules ) really starting to pick up and get back to pre-pandemic activity ( and excitement ) levels ? In that regard , it was a busy , informative and productive past month for the Palm Beach County Bar Association and all of our members . In keeping with our mission of serving our members , fostering professionalism , and enhancing the public ’ s understanding and awareness of the legal system , the PBCBA was active in hosting meetings and kicking off a great year of CLE events . We were also quite active in getting things started with our public service activities and giving back to the community .
On Thursday , September 8 , 2022 , we were very fortunate to have the 15th Circuit ’ s Chief Judge Glenn Kelley make himself available for a Town Hall meeting . Judge Kelley was very kind and generous in providing us with more than an hour of his time during what would have most likely been his lunch hour . Judge Kelley initially gave us an overview and update of what is happening at the Palm Beach County Courthouse and within the 15th Judicial Circuit . His indication of progress being made of the planning , funding , and ultimate build-out of the 7th and 8th floors at the Judge Daniel T . K . Hurley Palm Beach County Courthouse was really exciting to hear . Like me , I ’ m sure some of you have had the opportunity to see those massive empty floors and look forward to them being open and ready to be put to use for our county ’ s growing population . Judge Kelley also updated us on technological progress and updates being implemented at the courthouse . In addition , Judge Kelly thoroughly answered pre-submitted questions and also answered numerous questions that were asked by attendees during the Town Hall meeting itself . It was a power-packed information event and we thank Chief Judge Kelley greatly for finding the time for it and for his obvious preparation for it .
Since our last Bulletin , the PBCBA Young Lawyers Section has been incredibly busy and productive under the leadership of YLS Section President Michael Kranz . On Friday , August 26 , 2022 , the YLS Section hosted its Fifth Annual Young Lawyer ’ s Section Golf Tournament at Mayacoo Lakes Country Club in West Palm Beach , Florida , with the winners of the event being presented with the Matthew Fiorello , Esq . Memorial Trophy ( our thoughts and prayers are forever with Matt , Heather Bridwell , Esq ., Ted Mortell , Esq ., and Eric Peterson , Esq ., and their families ). Fortunately , the weather cooperated with us and the tournament was able to be completed in its entirety . It was a wonderful event with proceeds going to the YLS ’ s annual Back to School Program – this year benefiting the Royal Palm School . On Saturday September 10 , 2022 , the YLS then hosted its annual “ Run for Justice ” 5K at Palm Beach County ’ s great and expansive Okeeheelee Park off Forest Hill Boulevard . This current PBCBA President was unable to make it because of his youngest son ’ s scheduled Pop Warner youth football game , but he ’ s been told that it too was a great outdoor activity event with tremendous participation and enthusiasm from start to finish . Thank you to the PBCBA ’ s Young Lawyers Section and to Michael Kranz for making these fun , outdoor events a reality .
Our many PBCBA committees have also been busy at work putting their agenda and schedule for this year in place , with some committees having already had substantive meetings and a few having already conducted a seminar with CLE credit provided . Our Criminal Law CLE Committee , Membership Committee , Appellate Practice Committee , CDI Committee , Probate and Guardianship
Committee , Transaction Law CLE Committee , Professionalism Committee , Judicial Relations Committee , Local Government and Land Use Committee , Alternative Dispute Resolution Committee , and Law Related Education Committee have all met over the last few weeks and are busy at work planning and organizing for a productive and beneficial year . Our CDI Committee will be meeting again in a week and other committees have advised Carla and me that they are ready and set to get things going .
On Wednesday , September 21 , 2022 , during lunch , we will be very fortunate to have fellow PBCBA member and current President of The Florida Bar , Gary Lesser , Esq ., address us at the West Palm Beach Marriott . As with Chief Judge Kelley , we greatly thank Gary for somehow finding the time to make himself available to speak to all of us about the State of The Florida Bar . The following day on Thursday the 22nd , the Judicial Relations Committee will host a seminar at the PBC Courthouse titled “ Navigating the ( Now Old ) New Summary Judgment Rule .” With Judge Donald Hafele , Bridget Berry , Esq ., and Lauren Johnson , Esq ., serving as panelists , this is certain to be an excellent CLE event .
It has also been an exciting time at the PBC Courthouse with multiple investiture ceremonies having recently taken place and another scheduled in the very near future . The investiture for Judge April Bristow was held on June 3rd , the investiture for Judge Darren Shull was held on July 29th , the investiture for Judge Lauren Burke on August 12th , and the investiture for Judge James Sherman on September 2nd . The investiture for Judge Ori Silver is set for Friday , September 23 , 2022 , at 4:00 P . M . at the Palm Beach County Courthouse . All members of the PBCBA thank all of our Palm Beach County Judges for their public service and dedication to equality , fairness , and justice .
It has already been such an exciting and rewarding start to our Centennial Anniversary Year . I greatly look forward to seeing and talking with as many of our members as possible throughout the course of our 100th Year !