Empowering Warriors to Find Purpose and be Resilient . Join Us to hear this inspiring story of mental and physical survival .
Tuesday , November 1 , 2022 11:45 a . m . to 1:00 p . m .
THE BEN 251 N . Narcissus Avenue West Palm Beach
PBCBA Members : $ 50.00 Judges : Complimentary Attorneys who are not PBCBA Members : $ 70.00
RS VP @ https :// pbcba . intouchondemand . com / aaeventinfo . aspx ? eventid = 33410
About the Speaker :
Dr . Damon Friedman is an electric sought-after speaker with an expertise in motivation , leadership , and teambuilding . He is a retired Lieutenant Colonel and a prior squadron commander in special operations .
As a former USMC officer and USAF Special Tactics Officer , he has been instrumental in the eradication of extreme terrorist networks around the world .
In 2010 , he returned home from the Korengal “ Death ” Valley . Seven days of heavy combat in one of the most dangerous places on earth changed his life . After 10 years of service , multiple deployments , numerous conflicts and explosions , he was suffering from a traumatic brain injury and post-traumatic stress . He was in a dark place .
As a juvenile delinquent from the mean streets of Los Angeles , he found a way to survive .
Dr . Friedman holds a Doctorate in Intercultural Studies from Fuller and is currently pursuing Executive Education in Public Leadership at Harvard University .
Don ’ t miss his inspiring story !