October 2021 Newsletter | Page 11

Dear members of SJGCC ,
We are finally making some progress on some projects around the golf course . We have begun sodding some of the worn areas around the bunkers and are going to repair some areas around the clubhouse as well . All in all , the course is finally starting to dry out after an extremely wet summer . We would love nothing more than for the dry weather to continue and any major storms steer clear of the property over the next couple of months .
As I am sure you have all noticed the rough is a touch higher around the golf course . We initially raised the height to try and alleviate some of the mess the clippings were leaving behind with our mowing schedules being affected by the wet weather . At this point in the season , it doesn ’ t make much sense to lower the height of cut going into winter-the healthier the turf the better it will be through the dormancy period and the better it should transition next spring . With the recent cooler evenings , the grass should start to tighten up and become more playable going into fall .
Next month on the course we are due for another fertility application on the short grass as well as a pre-emergent herbicide application on the entire course . We will also be continuing post emergent applications as needed . One big goal going into member guest is to get the cordgrass areas sprayed out and cleaned up and some much-needed edging and general cleaning around the course . Thanks for your patience and support .
Thanks ,

Mike O ’ Malley
