By Denise Mutamba with contributions from Salesia Smith-Gordon and Bridget Berry
Each year the Committee for Diversity and Inclusion presents the Judge Edward Rodgers Diversity Award to a member or organization who cultivates , demonstrates , and promotes a consistent commitment to the recruitment , retention and promotion of individuals of underrepresented populations . This year ’ s award recipient was nominated by two ( 2 ) of Palm Beach County ’ s finest litigators . At the 2020 Bench Bar held on March 20 , 2020 , Manuel “ Manny ” Farach was presented with this year ’ s award .
Manny Farach is a Partner at McGlinchey Stafford PLLC where he advises clients in complex real estate and business matters with a focus on real estate and creditor ’ s rights work . He has served or been an active participant in Leadership Palm Beach County , the Fifteenth Judicial Circuit Professionalism Committee , Chair of the Palm Beach County Inspector General Oversight Committee , the Cuban American Bar Association , the Palm Beach County Chapter of the Florida Association for Women Lawyers , and the F . Malcolm Cunningham Sr . Bar Association , and the Chair of the Judicial Nominating Commission for the Fourth District Court of Appeal . He was the first president of color for the Palm Beach County Bar Association . During his presidency , he authored an article focused on diversity . For his diversity efforts with the Hispanic community , in 2014 , he was awarded the Palm Beach County Hispanic Bar ’ s highest award , the Chief Justice Labarga Leadership Award .
Law school classmate , Bridget Berry , stated that since law school Manny has demonstrated a consistent pattern and tireless commitment to diversity and inclusion . During his legal career he has promoted and facilitated education , community outreach , and social engagement with a nd between communities of color . She commended Manny for his passion for diversity in the legal community and his ability to “ walk the talk ” by introducing , mentoring , and networking with others to provide opportunities to persons of diverse backgrounds .
Colleague , Salesia Smith-Gordon , commended Manny for relentlessly volunteering his time serving on various boards in the highest leadership capacities ensuring that lawyers and law students from all backgrounds have a “ seat at the table .” She applauded Manny ’ s encouragement for lawyers to take the bench and to run for leadership positions with the Palm Beach County Bar Association .
Please join us in congratulating Manny Farach !
Denise Mutamba ' s Diversity Award Introduction speech from the 2020 Bench Bar Virtual Conference ' s Award Ceremony on August 14th , 2020 is included in the box below :
Diversity Award Introduction of Manny Farach
My name is Denise Mutamba and I had the honor of co-chairing the Committee for Diversity and Inclusion for the 2019- 2020 bar year . Each year the Committee for Diversity and Inclusion presents the Judge Edward Rodgers Diversity Award to an individual or organization that demonstrates a consistent pattern of commitment to the recruitment , retention and promotion of diverse individuals , exhibits visionary and insightful leadership to confront and resolve inequities through strategic decisionmaking and allocation of resources .
This year ’ s recipient received more than one nomination . One nominator wrote , “ He is passionate about diversity and inclusion , and ‘ he walks the walk ’ always making introductions , mentoring , and networking to provide opportunities to persons of diverse backgrounds , especially Hispanics and women .” Another nominator expressed her gratitude of his encouragement for her to take on a leadership role with the Palm Beach County Commission on Ethics . His encouragement resulted in her in becoming the first African American female to serve as the Commissioner for that body . She also stated that he influenced other great mentors , such as the late Judge Meenu Sasser and past Palm Beach Bar President ,
John Howe to seek the bench and the presidency of the Palm Beach County Bar Association . As many of you know Judge Sasser was the first Indian-American to take the bench in Palm Beach County and John Howe was the first African American president of the Palm Beach County Bar Association . Over 10 years ago , while serving as the first Hispanic president of the Palm Beach County Bar Association , he authored an article in the Palm Beach Bar ’ s bulletin about inclusiveness in the legal community .
This year ’ s recipient has a demonstrated , dedicated legal career of mentorship , commitment , and promotion of diverse individuals . I was not surprised to learn that Judge Edward Rodgers personally influenced his legal career . During a conversation with him , he told me a story of his first case in court . His first case was in front of a judge who , in his own words , “ beat me up ”! He fondly described how this judge , Judge Rodgers encouraged him and let him know that being “ just enough ” is not acceptable . As a diverse attorney , he had to be the absolute best under any circumstance . It is such an honor for me to present the 2020 Judge Edward Rodgers Diversity Award to Manny Farach !