The Professionalism Committee of the Palm Beach County Bar Association presents :
Ethics and Professionalism Issues Online and in Social Media Settings
Thursday , October 22 11:00 a . m . - 1:00 p . m . Live via Zoom
Panelists : Brian Tannebaum , Esq ., who has been called “ the lawyer that lawyers go to when they find themselves in hot water ”; Navin A . Ramnath , Esq ., Senior Bar Counsel with the Florida Bar ; and Judge Samantha Schosberg Feuer , Fifteenth Judicial Circuit , Palm Beach County Moderated by Julia Wyda , Esq .
Topics : ( 1 ) Social media continues to revolutionize the way people communicate and share information , both personally and professionally . According to an American Bar Association study in 2017 , 82 % of lawyers use Facebook for personal reasons . As the case law continues to develop and change regarding social media , the panelists will provide guidance on how lawyers can best navigate the world of social media while remaining compliant with the Rules Regulating the Florida Bar .
( 2 ) The panelists will discuss the recent case of disbarred attorney , Ashley Ann Krapacs , SC19-1284 , which deals in part with conduct on social media .
( 3 ) There will be discussion of Law Offices of Herssein & Herssein , P . A . v . United Servs . Auto . Ass ’ n , 271 So . 3d 889 ( Fla . 2018 ), the seminal case regarding Facebook friendships between lawyers and judges .
( 4 ) The panelists will explore the April 8 , 2020 , Florida Supreme Court Judicial Ethics Advisory Committee Opinion 2020-10 dealing in part with a judicial candidate ’ s campaign committee ’ s ability to maintain Facebook pages on behalf of a candidate .
( 5 ) Many other important topics will be covered , including ethical and legal methods of dealing with negative attorney reviews and client complaints online , recent case law regarding orders prohibiting the use of social media in pending cases , and improper uses of social media sites for research pursuant to Ethics Opinion 14-1 .
This event is expected to receive 2.0 General Credits , 2.0 Ethics and 2.0 Professionalism from the Florida Bar . Cost is $ 75 Members ; $ 115 Non-Members . Register online at palmbeachbar . org or by mail ( return this form with your check ). Name : ______________________________________ Email address : ______________________________________________
_____ I will not be able to attend the seminar ; however , I would like to order the audio ___ CD ___ MP3 . The cost is the same as listed above , plus $ 10 for shipping and handling . Allow one week for delivery . PBCBA , 1507 Belvedere Rd ., W . Palm Beach , FL 33406 PBCBA BAR BULLETIN 20