October 2019 October 2019 | Page 15

Meet Stephen Metzger, Man- aging Director, Small Vehicle Resource, LLOC A conversation with Stephen Metzger Thank you to Stephen for sharing his story with us. So, let’s start at the beginning and tell our readers how you got your start in the industry. How Small Vehicle Resource got started… Small Vehicle Resource, of SVR, started in 2000 with a compre- hensive market research study of what we called small, task-orient- ed vehicles (STOVs). My long time associate, Marc Cesare, and I saw the market and the industry as having three main components: Golf car-type vehicles, utility ve- hicles, and off-road vehicles. Each component had its dedicated mar- ket serving a principle segment, but there were plenty of vehicle models from a wide range of com- panies that went beyond the prin- ciple segment and into a number of ancillary segments. The com- mon aspect of all the vehicles are that in size they are small (as com- pared to on-road vehicles) and they serve specific needs—that is, they were “task-oriented”. What we do… After a number of successful syn- dicated studies, we decided to put our ever-increasing knowledge of small vehicle markets and prod- ucts into an internet-based ser- vice for consumers (commercial OCTOBER 2019 15