October 2018 Issue #12 October 2018 Issue #12 | Page 7
Head Play
These studs are in it to win it. In the virtual world of ‘Head Play’, six
staunning opponents out-wit and literally fuck their way out of situ-
ations with one goal in sight: Winning. Award-winner Tony Dimarco
directs this high-energy, fast-paced sexual and mental competition
that pits beautiful, athletic men against each other in a quest for the
prize. Keep your eyes on the prize or it might slip into the hands of
one of your sexy opponents. Watch ‘Head Play’ to find out who wins
and to revel in each sexual match up as the game unleashes the
passions and desires of these handsome hunks.
Head Play is available now on DVD and streaming
at www.falconstudios.com