October 2018 AST 'ASTORS' Finalist Edition Oct 2018 AST Magazine Final (10.16.18) | Page 14

Volume 27 September 2018 Edition Video Analytics and Geospacial Features Combine to Automatically Dispatch a Drone to an Alarm Location PureTech New Automated Drone Deployment for Security Response PureTech Systems, a competitor in the 2018 ‘ASTORS’ Homeland Se- curity Awards Program, is introduc- ing its latest capability: Providing automated dispatch of a security drone to an alarm location. cation which includes PureActiv Geospa- tial Video Analytics, radar, acoustic bur- ied/fence sensors, unattended ground sensors (UGS), access Control, contact alarm, and user input. High resolution cameras, excellent stabi- lization measures, lighter materials and The alarm can originate from a variety of better battery life have combined to make sensor sources capable of providing a lo- drones efficient surveillance platforms. 12