October 2017 December 2013 | Page 9
Te Puawai
highlighted their benefits in people with
coronary artery disease, the reviewers found
there is limited evidence to show that primary
prevention with statins is cost effective or that
they improve quality of life. They do however
turn healthy people into patients.
Totally biased drug trials
The problem with the statin trials is that “there
is often no blinding, no concealment of
treatment allocation (which means that the
randomisation could have been violated), poor
follow-up and no intention-to-treat analysis
(where the fate of all randomised patients is
accounted for, also those who drop out).
Funding from the test drug company rather
than the comparator drug company was
associated with more favourable results (odds
ratio 20) and more favourable conclusions
(odds ration 35). This is not surprising
considering that head-to-head statin trials are
not fairly designed, as the compared doses in
most of the trials are not equivalent.” (2)
Peter Gotzsche also points out in his book
which the above quote is taken from, the drug
industry’s many tricks make the impossible
possible, and their duplicity knows no bounds,
which is why he compares the industry with
organised crime.
This is important information for all those New
Zealanders who are being encouraged by the
current TV advertising campaign or by their
GP to get a heart check. Overdiagnosis is not
just a problem in America or in Europe, it is
also happening at your local GP practice. So
before you agree to go on a statin you need to
ask your doctor for the evidence from an
independent source that taking statins when
you have no symptoms of heart disease will
benefit you, or at the very least that it will not
harm you.
© Te Puawai
Prescription drugs are, after all, the third
leading cause of death after heart disease and
cancer. (2)
1. Dr H Gilbert Welch, Dr Lisa Schwartz
Dr Steven Woloshin “Overdiagnosed: Making
People Sick in the Pursuit of Health.” Beacon
Press 2011.
2. Peter Gotzsche “Deadly Medicines
and Organised Crime: How big pharma has
corrupted healthcare.” Radcliffe Publishing
3. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2124
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