October 2017 December 2013 | Page 16

Te Puawai Nurse Practitioners – Part of the Solution not the Problem Article by Jeff Symonds, NP, Bay of Plenty DHB Recently the Ministry of Health (MoH) published its future mental health & addictions remit for 2012-2017 called “Rising to the Challenge”. I tried not to think “oh no not another vision and sets of goals to aim for”, at least until the next lot comes along…. Notwithstanding this I actually took the time out to read the document and I was pleased I did. As I was going through the information and gathering in the subliminal messages I couldn’t help but think of Josser Hughes in “Boys from the Black stuff” when he used to say “gizza a job I can do that”. (Google it?). I was impressed that this above mentioned report, at least from my point of view, appeared to have an immense amount of potential opportunity for advanced practice nurses and in particular Nurse Practitioners who practice in Mental Health & Addictions services. For example Or: The Rising to the Challenge document gave me a sense of direction as to where the Ministry wants to go and made me ponder on how I as an NP can fit in or out of this future view. Clearly NPs are part of the solution to help achieve these goals. The Ministry want clinical services to provide high quality services and improve delivery in a more timely and accessible way that is both efficient for the health budget and effective for the health needs of the community. When I write this I sense the catch cry of Josser Hughes is out there in the thoughts and aspirations of most advanced practice nurses and NPs. Therefore, to achieve the changes needed, our major focus must be on using our current resources more effectively and increasing productivity. This will enable us to focus our attention on early intervention and strengthening primary–specialist integration. If we as NPs use this Ministry document ethically to incorporate the philosophy and direction into our professional strategies we may be able to, at the very least, lobby more effectively with the view to establish ourselves as integral components of this future. a renewed focus on earlier and more effective responses, improved outcomes, better system integration and performance, increased access to services, effective use of resources and stronger whole-of-government partnerships. Rising to the Challenge, MoH 2012 p. 3 © Te Puawai The area of main interest for me as a practicing prescribing NP is the secondary/primary interface: College of Nurses Aotearoa (NZ) Inc 14