OCTO BITS Vol. II July 2014 | Page 5





Balancing the demands of work and life can be challenging. Since 1983, Inova Employee Assistance has offered support for personal, work, and family problems. This service is free to covered employees and their household members.

Confidentail Counseling

Our short-term counseling services can help you find solutions to problems ranging from family or workplace frustrations to alcohol or drug abuse. Professional counselors define the problem, provide support, and offer guidance and referrals.

Legal Services

Inova Employee Assistance offers a free 30-minute comsultation with an in-network attorney and a 25% discount off the attorney's hourly rate if you choose to retain that attorney. Access to wills, advance directives and other legal documents are available on our website at inova.org/eap.

Financial Services

Employees and their household members can speak with a financial professional at no charge regarding such issues as retirement planning, debt consolidation, funding a child's college education, mortgage loan options and a variety of other financial concerns. Callers receive up to 60 minutes of telephonic consultation per issue. Financial information, tools and calculators are available on our website at inova.org/eap.

Identity Theft Services

Counselors provide telephonic screening and consultation to callers. If they determine that your identity has been stolen, a "recovery" packet containing everything you need to resolve your identity-theft issue will be sent to you at no change.

Work Life Referral Services

Our work Life consultants will assess your needs, pinpoint appropriate resources, and suggest guidelines for evaluating those resources. We will also follow up to ensure your satisfaction with our service. Our consultants can locate resources in a variety of areas.

On-line Resources

Inova Employee Assistance offers an interactive Web service that provides 24-hour access to an extensive library of nationwide Work Life resources and interactive tools.

Inova Employee Assistance is here to help.

Confidential assistance, 24/7


TDD# for the hearing impaired


Accessonline resources and services
