Oct22-WSCASpotlight | Page 14

Bob Sansevere Enchanted Hollow Riding and Driving Club
14 - October - 2022 www . wsca . org WSCA Spotlight


Bob Sansevere Enchanted Hollow Riding and Driving Club

Please answer all questions below as completely as possible : 1 ) Are you currently a WSCA delegate ? ❑ Yes ❑ No If yes , for what club ? Enchanted Hollow Riding and Driving Club
2 ) List all the saddle clubs you are currently a club member of : Enchanted Hollow Riding and Driving Club
3 ) Have you served as one of your local saddle clubs officers ? ❑ Yes ❑ No If yes , what office did you hold ? President
4 ) Why are you interested in running for the WSCA Board ? I have seen what participation in WSCA events has done to build self-esteem and confidence in chilldren and adults alike and , as a WSCA board member , I would have the opportunity to help expand the reach and growth of the organization and ensure people of all ages benefit from it today and in the future .
5 ) What do you feel you can bring to the WSCA Board ? I bring an understanding of why it is important to work as a team and how to build a consensus to achieve positive results . My skill set has been honed by being an elected city council member for eight years and a school board member sincd 2016 , as well as serving as president of the Enchanted Hollow Riding and Driving Club and as a Buffalo Rodeo board member .
6 ) How long have you been involved in WSCA ? More than 10 years .
7 ) Do you participate in the WSCA Championship Show ? ❑ Yes ❑ No If yes , list how you have participated ? I have placed in driving classes and , in 2021 , won the Pony Roadster class .
10 ) Do you feel you can attend all the monthly meetings ? yes
11 ) Are you available to spend several days at the Champ Show ? yes