Oct/Nov 2021 Aspire Magazine FULL Issue | Page 21

A small business owner sees themselves as a specialist or “ the secret sauce ” to the business .

Mindset , next to knowledge and experience , is probably one of most important components for succeeding in whatever you set out to do . It is key in building a strong foundation for all you desire for your life . You have been programmed from an early age by your circle of influence growing up .

You hold these belief systems to be your truths and on a daily basis your decisions are made from these truths you hold . What I ’ m going to ask of you is to be open-minded that maybe , just maybe , your current belief systems may not actually be the universal truth when it comes to manifesting the life of your dreams .
It is imperative to look at your beliefs systems first because :
Your beliefs become your thoughts , Your thoughts become your words , Your words become your actions ,
 Your actions become your habits ,
 Your habits become your values ,
 And your values determine your destiny !
Take a moment to do the following exercise to tap into your current mindset about money , success and business . Grab your journal , and write out responses to the following questions :

What are the current set of beliefs you have about :

Money ? The economy ?

Creating a thriving business ?

“ The way we do anything is the way we do everything .”


Long-term sustainable wealth ? Leaving a legacy ? 

Who gave you those belief systems you currently have ? 

Here ’ s what I know about your responses . The response to the final question of who gave you your current belief systems will overwhelmingly be your parents , teachers , friends , and family members . You have derived your current mindset from a variety of sources - let ’ s call them your “ circle of influence .”

My next question is : Was your circle of influence that gave you your current belief systems wealthy ? Or were they successful big business owners ?

In some cases , you may tell me you were influenced by successful business owners growing up . It ’ s important to note , there is a difference in mindset between small business owners and big business owners .
A small business owner sees themselves as a specialist or “ the secret sauce ” to the business .
They believe nobody will care more about the business than they will , therefore they need to do it all !