Oct/Nov 2020 Aspire Magazine FULL Issue | Page 53


“ Most importantly , be gentle with yourself . You can ’ t hate yourself into change . You can ’ t shame yourself into change . It just doesn ’ t work . The one-way change can happen is if you can love yourself as you are , and then , from that place of love , you can muster up the faith and courage you ’ ll need in order to do what must be done .”

exhaustion , overwhelm , and resentment and fuels women feeling guilty or selfish taking time for themselves .
This unhealthy cycle leads many women to feel like they are living life on the hamster wheel , struggling to get all the things done they need to , and feeling little joy or meaning as a result . Trying to meet unrealistic expectations leaves women chronically overwhelmed , exhausted , and stressed , which negatively impacts their health , mental health , and relationships . Our “ to-do ” lists overflow with tasks , and when we think about caring for ourselves , it can often feel like another responsibility to add to our lists . Many women recognize that this is no way to live , but don ’ t know where to even begin to break the cycle .
In my counseling practice and in my own life , I have found self-nurturing to be the answer to so many of the challenges my clients face . It is the way out of exhaustion and overwhelm and into health and wellness . It is the light that can transform the darkness of unrealistic expectations and the hope for humanity to live with more love and compassion in the world . It is the way out of a scarcity mindset and into an abundance mindset , where there is so much more possibility .
Self-nurturing opens us to more creativity , awareness , insight , and wisdom than we knew was possible . It gives us direct access to our truth and intuition . I have witnessed remarkable healing and empowerment when clients have understood the power of self-nurturing . Time after time , clients have identified self-nurturing as the key that transformed their lives . I am deeply grateful to have experienced that personally and hope you will too !
We have the power to transform feeling inadequate as a result of all those unrealistic expectations into love for ourselves through self-nurturing . With each act of self-nurturing , we learn to value ourselves . The more that we value ourselves and recognize our self-worth , the more we prioritize nurturing ourselves creating a beautiful self-fulfilling cycle . We can begin today by being kinder and more compassionate to ourselves and tuning into what we feel and need . We can remind ourselves that the practice is not about being perfect or completing another thing on our “ to-do ” lists , but rather nurturing a relationship with ourselves .