Oct/Nov 2020 Aspire Magazine FULL Issue | Page 37

Robin ’ s Story : Robin is , what I would deem , a multi-dimensional healer and was resistant to allowing her gift to be too visible . During a session , Robin ’ s record keepers were very insistent that a Shamanic Journey was in Robin ’ s record and energy field . When we discussed this , she shared that she had been considering a trip to Peru . That fall , she enrolled in a Shamanic program and has tapped into her divine truth in this lifetime to share her skills and healing with countless people .
Berni ’ s story : By all accounts , Berni was successful . She had a great teaching career and had led many champion sports teams throughout her storied coaching career . Yet , she knew more was calling her . She knew that there were countless people all across the world that needed her knowledge and guidance ( even though she was in the process of remembering that knowledge ). So , she left her teaching job and set out into the world of meditation . She has followed the guidance provided by her Records to assist in establishing herself as a beacon of healing through meditation . She has built an international following , as she is stepping fully into a level of fulfilling success .

Robin ’ s Story : Robin is , what I would deem , a multi-dimensional healer and was resistant to allowing her gift to be too visible . During a session , Robin ’ s record keepers were very insistent that a Shamanic Journey was in Robin ’ s record and energy field . When we discussed this , she shared that she had been considering a trip to Peru . That fall , she enrolled in a Shamanic program and has tapped into her divine truth in this lifetime to share her skills and healing with countless people .

3 . Divine Gifts .

Every soul has its own unique gifts and talents , even when we are blind to what they are . While we are trudging through the humanity and traumas of life , we can certainly lose sight of our gifts and why we have them . Often our gifts are brought to light by our deepest wounds and suffering .
The Records give a higher-level view so we can see the pivotal moments when our gifts reveal themselves to us and others , throughout this lifetime . The peek into how your gifts have served you and others in many circumstances provides evidence to your conscious mind that your gifts are valid . AND – they are !!!
Cathy ’ s Story . In true , phoenix-rising fashion , Cathy took the grief she experienced for most of her adult life and turned that into her passion for supporting others through the grieving process . At the onset of our conversations she wondered what gifts she had to share with others . Upon opening her Records , we were shown all the instances of grief she has endured , and how she has continued to pick herself up , dust herself off and find strength to move forward . This is exactly the divine gift she gives to her clients in every session .

4 . Sacred Success .

The program playing in our human minds around success is often so toxic . We are taught to judge ourselves and others by the way they appear , what they drive and what kind of label or title they hold themselves out to be .
The true definition of success can be found in the Akashic Records . It embodies truth , happiness , fulfillment and authentic expression of self . It is the path back to your sovereign divinity , where money has no value , there are no stories and you can fully accept and love yourself . Through our human lens , success is fleeting , and often hollow . By using the records , I have personally allowed all of my human success to fade into the background , while I relish in the success of stepping into my purpose — without apology .

Berni ’ s story : By all accounts , Berni was successful . She had a great teaching career and had led many champion sports teams throughout her storied coaching career . Yet , she knew more was calling her . She knew that there were countless people all across the world that needed her knowledge and guidance ( even though she was in the process of remembering that knowledge ). So , she left her teaching job and set out into the world of meditation . She has followed the guidance provided by her Records to assist in establishing herself as a beacon of healing through meditation . She has built an international following , as she is stepping fully into a level of fulfilling success .