February 2-12 , 2015
Experience the best of Winnipeg ’ s exceptional culinary talent . Enjoy three-course , set-price dinner menus at some of the city ’ s finest restaurants . Restaurants will sell out , and reservations are required . Call now to avoid disappointment !
F E B R U A R Y 2 - 1 2 , 2 0 1 5
Additional menu options available
DINE ABOUT WINNIPEG at these exciting restaurants
295 York Amici Bailey ’ s Barley Brothers The Blue Marble Bombolini Cafe Dario Carnaval Chop Corrientes Era Food Evolution Fusion Grill Hermanos Mise The Mitchell Block Nicolino ’ s Prairie 360 Resto Gare Smith Steve ’ s Bistro Sydney ’ s At The Forks Tapastry The Wheelhouse