Interstellar Cheesecake
This combination of contrasting textures offers a playful , palate pleasing end to a meal .
INGREDIENTS : Ricotta Cheesecake 8 oz ricotta ¼ cup sour cream ¼ heavy cream 1 egg 1 / 3 cup sugar 1 Tbsp flour 2 Tbsp glucose ( or white corn syrup )
Wafer 2 egg whites 1 / 2 cup sugar 1 / 2 cup cranberry jam
Vueve Clicquot Gelee 2 cups champagne 5 sheets of gelatin
Sponge Toffee See ciaowinnipeg . com for recipe .
Garnish 8 brazil nuts , toasted 2 Tbsp of simple syrup 1 1 / 2 Tbsp of dried herbs ( parsley , rosemary , thyme )
METHOD : Cheesecake 1 . Blend the egg in a blender for one minute . 2 . Add sugar , and blend for another minute . 3 . Add remaining cheesecake ingredients and blend another minute . 4 . Pour into a sealable bag and seal . 5 . Bring a pot of water to 77˚C . Place cheesecake bag into the pot and cook for 2 hours . 7 . Remove bag from water , and chill in refrigerator .
Wafer 1 . Preheat oven to 200˚F . 2 . Beat egg whites until soft peaks form . Gradually add sugar , beating until a stiff , shiny meringue is formed . 2 . Fold in cranberry jam until fully combined . 3 . Spread meringue in an even layer onto a baking sheet lined with a silicone baking mat or parchment paper . 4 . Bake for 45 minutes or until firm .
Veuve Clicquot Gelee 1 . Heat ½ cup of the champagne to a simmer . 2 . Bloom gelatin sheets in cold water , enough to cover . Remove gelatin sheets , and whisk into hot champagne . 3 . Pour hot mixture into remaining wine and let cool ( this preserves the alcohol content ). 4 . Refrigerate until needed .
Garnish 1 . Cut brazil nuts in half and toast in a toaster oven at 350˚F until browned . 2 . Pulverize herbs in a small blender until they are a powder . 3 . Coat nuts in a touch of simple syrup and roll in the herbs to coat .
ASSEMBLY Chop gelee into chunks and set on plate . Place desired amount of cheesecake on top . Top with other components .
Yield 4 servings .
ciao ! / feb / mar / two thousand fifteen 19