OCT 2024 OCTOBER 2024 BULLETIN | Page 3



Andrea Lewis 2024-25 PBCBA President
I am excited to announce the creation of the Bar Association ’ s new Health and Wellness Committee which will focus on promoting mental , emotional , and physical health and well-being within our membership . The committee will be responsible for creating and implementing new programs and initiatives and assisting with the Bar ’ s existing programs and initiatives that positively impact our members and improve their overall quality of life .
We intend to offer programming that not only benefits our current members , but also attracts new members by providing fun , healthy , and impactful events , activities , and initiatives that promote a healthy lifestyle .
Why Do We Need A Health and Wellness Committee ?
In order to be effective advocates for our clients , we must first prioritize our own health and well-being . This can be difficult given the unique challenges that come along with working in the legal profession . Long hours , high stakes , and elevated stress can be a recipe for disaster . Studies have shown that lawyers have alarmingly high rates of depression , anxiety , substance abuse , and other mental health problems .
Jack Rice
Ed Ricci
Under the leadership of Jack Rice and Ed Ricci , the Health and Wellness Committee will address these concerns by offering new resources , events , and initiatives that promote healthy living , physical fitness , mental health , and the overall well-being of our members . We aim to create a vibrant , healthy legal community where every member feels empowered to prioritize their wellness in a way that suits their unique needs .
What Will The Health and Wellness Committee Do ?
• The Health and Wellness Committee will implement programs and initiatives that promote and prioritize the mental and physical health of our members , as well as provide support for existing programs . Here are some objectives that the committee is currently focused on :
• Promoting fun , yet competitive , athletic and physical fitness events and tournaments for members ;
• Expanding our member benefits by partnering with local gyms and other fitness providers ( i . e ., discounted memberships , fitness classes , etc .);
• Offering more health-focused and family-friendly activities throughout the year ;
• Increasing the awareness of community events and resources related to health and wellness , such as the American Heart Association ’ s Heart Walk on November 9th at the Meyer Amphitheatre in West Palm Beach ; and
• Organizing health and exercise programs , running groups , and other physical activities .
The committee will be broadening its focus as the year progresses . In the meantime , if you have suggestions or input , please let us know . We have already received some wonderful ideas and have incorporated them into our planning efforts . For instance , several members have expressed interest in organizing a running group and pickleball tournament . We are in the process of implementing these ideas .
Want To Get Involved ?
If you have suggestions or want to join the Health and Wellness Committee , please reach out to Jessica Gonzalez at jgonzalez @ palmbeachbar . org . We have a lot of exciting activities planned for the upcoming year and welcome your involvement !