Oct 2020 Marr College Newsletter 09 | Page 8

Issue Number 09 | October 2020
Marr Malawi Update
Written by Lucy Quinn , S2
We have done many things as a school for our partnership in Malawi and have raised a fair bit of money . There is already so much progress with the renovations and the children are so excited . The old roof has already been taken off and is going to be recycled and turned into something like a storage room .
Our S6 Leadership group did a fantastic job of organising our annual Sponsored Walk in order to raise money for our Marr Malawi Partnership .
Students ensured that times for departure were staggered for each year group and house to ensure social distancing . Stations were manned along the route to check in .
Treats and water were available for the walkers – and Just Giving pages were set up for each house .
Sponsored Walk
( then 25 % gift aid ). The money raised will go towards a new classroom for our Malawi partner school Ntengera as well as handwashing stations to help during the Covid 19 crisis .
To find out more about our Marr Malawi Partnership follow us on Twitter .
Click on the image below to view a video from the day . Thanks to everyone who donated !
The renovations should be finished by the time we get back from the October holidays so the kids will probably already be enjoying the new classroom very soon . Remember that the kids in Malawi are also dealing with Covid 19 and are really grateful for the handwashing stations that they now have . Thank you so much for all the help with donations and fundraising and thanks to you the kids in Malawi will have a nicer learning experience ! Follow @ MarrMalawi for updates ( click below to view the video ).
Well done to everyone who took part and donated , we achieved our target and raise a fantastic £ 4250.54