OCR Cambridge Technicals in Media (year 1) handbook - 2013-14 Sept 2013 | Page 9

Submission of assignments As you are studying on a media course, your work should be presented in a professional and business-like manner. You need to follow the guidelines below to ensure you meet acceptable standards. 1. Plastic folder. 2. Front cover with your name, tutor’s name, unit/assignment title and course. 3. A contents list which lists task numbers and pages. 4. Each task should be clearly labelled with a task number. 5. A bibliography clearly showing which books, information sources or websites have been used. 6. Make sure you back up your assignment. DO NOT, under any circumstances just have a copy on your flash drive. Always save your work firstly onto the college system and/or your home computer and then back it up to a removable source. As each unit is completed, you will collate all your assignments into a clip or lever arch file ready for the moderator. The more I enjoy the more I learn 9