Ocean Trash June 2014 | Page 7

Effects on economy

Ocean trash can effect many components to our economy, including, tourism, fishing,and navigation. When you take a trip to the beach, no one wants to see the sand and water filled with trash. This often resluts in a loss of tourism to that area. Not only losing the tourism is costly, but also beach clean ups to remove and dispose the trash. In an attempt to stop the draining of trash to the ocean, the Los Angeles County's Department of Public Works and the Flood Control District spends $18 million each year on street sweeping, catch basin cleanouts, cleanup programs, and litter prevention and education efforts (L.A. County Boards of Supervisors Staff Report, 2007). Fisheries also are highly impacted by the trash in the ocean. when the fish get affected or killed by the trash, it also has a huge imapct on the stock of available seafood. For example, the Gulf States Marine Fisheries Commission has predicted blue crab ghost fishery leads to a loss of up to 4 to 10 million crabs a year in Louisiana alone (Virginia Institute of Marine Science, 2006). fisheries can also be affected finacially when the fishing gear and boats get tengled in the debri. Floating trash is a tremendous navigational hazoud that gets tnagled in propellers. Not only is it very pricey to get the boats repaired, it is also very time conuming.


