Ocean Acidification Jun. 2014 | Page 9

Renewable Engergy

Converting to solar energy is the biggest personal change you can make to fight global warming. Generating electric power causes over a third of all green house gas emissions in the United States.2 Reducing the electricity we draw from the grid means reducing carbon emissions. That means cleaner air, water and soil for your family, community, and generations to come.



Instead of driving, try walking or biking! If that's inconvient to you, buy a fuel efficient vehicle, or inflate your car tires to it's proper pressure. If you prefer flying, try vacationing closer to home, or take less trips a year. 4



As you can probably imagine, transporting food over such long distances is a huge fossil fuel waste, emitting tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Ia combination with the harmful effects of pesticides, simply eating can be hugely damaging to the environment. But, buying local and organic is one of the best ways to reduce your carbon footprint. Food you buy at the farmer’s market travels significantly less distance, and is usually organic. 3





Large amounts of energy and water go into producing endless amounts of 'stuff', much of which we don't really need or end up using. So be sure to use your local recycling service, for plastics, metals and paper. 5