Ocean Acidification Environmental Science | Page 9

Carbonic Acid Marshall

Carbonic Acid is formed when carbon dioxide is dissolved in water. The higher acidity levels recorded in the water, more so along the shorline have been a contributing cause to to decrease shell growth for marine animals and cause reproductive disorders. Animals such as lobster, shrimp, and oyster can be in grave danger, especially with the projected ph level to reduce by .5 units by the end of this century.

("Ocean Acidification -- Pristine Seas -- National Geographic." May 2016.)

Over the past few hundred years our ph level has been recoreded to be on average 8.2, but just recently it has dropped to 8.1. This .01 decrease is a 1/4 increase of acidity over the past two centuries. Marine animals will need to adapt to the new ocean standards or they'll end up dead.

("Ocean Acidification. 20 May 2016.").