Ocean Acidification - Acid Ocean 1 | Page 2

Page 2 :Table of contents is som

Page 3 and 4: What is ocean acidification ?

Page 5: Chemical breakdown of Ocean acidification

Page 6: Ocean acidification effects on shelled animals

Page 7: What are the effects of ocean acidification on coral reefs?

Page 8: Ocean acidification effects on organisms like fish

Page 9: effect on salmon

Page 10: top ten affected marine organisms

Page 11: Media Coverage of ocean acidification

Page 12: Negative Effects Recap and solutions to the effects

Page 13 and 14: Ocean acidification on humans and economy

Page 15: ocean acidification experiment

Page 16: Future predictions

Table of contents:

1. and 2. What is ocean acidification ?

3. Chemical breakdown of Ocean acidification

4. Ocean acidification effects on key fisheries

5. the effects of ocean acidification on coral reefs

7. Chemical Breakdown of Ocean Acidification

8. Effects on Fish ,Zooplankton, and Algae

9.-10 Pink Salmon

11. Media Coverage of ocean acidification

12 and 13. Ocean acidification on humans and economy

14. and 15. ocean acidification experiment

16. Reference page