Occupational Therapy News OTnews July 2019 | Page 5
44 Small acts of friendship
48 The Interesting Group
54 Regional nominations 2019/2020
A prescription for occupation
Putting occupation at the heart of social prescribing at the
University of Salford’s specialist hub
Occupational therapy in Bangladesh
How one centre has kept occupational therapy training alive in
Bangladesh for the last 25 years
Art therapy, poetry and a sing-along bring meaningful activity to
an elderly acute ward
Interesting work with the Vona du Toit Model of Creative Ability
in Northampton
Stand for your RCOT regional committee and be an ambassador
for your profession
28 Exploring recovery together 32 The dining room project 34 Circle dance in occupational therapy 12 Highlights from 2019’s RCOT annual conference
38 The power of creativity 24 Autonomy, culture change and the long view
40 Enjoyable without a challenge 52 AGM report 2019
Co-production and co-delivery on acute mental health wards
profiles and reports
Empowering patients with neurological impairments to be more
independent at meal times
The development, practice, research and opportunities of
circle dance
Students develop identity pots during self-directed creative
time at the University of East Anglia
Occupational therapists and product designers work together
to develop novel sensory cushions
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10 pages from this year’s annual conference, held in Birmingham
last month
Professor Keith Willett, NHS England’s director of acute care,
on where he sees the profession’s future possibilities
This year’s AGM hears about RCOT’s healthy finances,
successful campaigns and no membership fee rise
Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this
publication do not necessarily reflect those of the Royal
College of Occupational Therapists. The publication of
advertisements does not constitute endorsement of
the advertised products, services or events by the
Royal College of Occupational Therapists. A guide for
contributors is available on request or on the website.
Deadlines: Editorial: 26th of the month. Advertising:
1st of the month.
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Occupational Therapy News is published on the 15th of each month by the Royal College of
Occupational Therapists Ltd, a registered charity in England and Wales (275119) and in Scotland
(SCO39573), 106-114 Borough High Street, Southwark, London SE1 1LB.
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The Lavenham Press Ltd,
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