Occupational Therapy News OTnews January 2019 | Page 50

WEBSITE STATS 22,278 people are registered on the new website 2,528,616 visits to the new website Most popular pages (after homepage and login pages) What is occupational therapy with 75,208 page views BJOT with 75,671 page views 62% of visits were on desktop and 38% of visits were on mobile MOST POPULAR HASHTAGS #RCOT2018 = 18,245 uses (this trended during conference) #OTWeek18 and #OTWeek2018 = 19,675 uses NEW ACTIVITY IN 2018 We published four podcasts throughout 2018, and they are more and more popular. They have been listened to a total of 2,808 times and counting. Listen to all our podcasts at rcot.co.uk/podcasts This year we launched our Instagram channel, aimed at our student members. It is a budding new channel, but with lots to offer, so if you haven’t already, start following us! 4