Occupational Therapy News OTnews January 2019 | Page 5
Delivering behavioural activation to beat
Lynsey Drysdale and Claire Boyle explain why and how NHS
Lanarkshire’s mental health occupational therapy service has
been delivering behavioural activation groups
What I do: promoting the profession
Abigail Johnson shares how one ‘smallest of actions’ is helping to
promote professional identity
Supporting your team to engage in and with
RCOT offers some top tips from managers who have done it
Role emerging placements – a service initiative
Dawn Corse and Nansi Felton on the development of a pilot role
emerging placement for physiotherapy students with the South
Gloucestershire Care Home Liaison Team
Pushing the boundaries of occupational therapy
Terri Grant and Alison Blank explain how University of Worcester
students have been encouraged to push their own boundaries to
help them think about how clients may feel when asked to do
something outside of their comfort zone
Occupation as rehabilitation
Sophie Cook and Joe Scoble look at the positive outcomes from
establishing a gardening group in a specialist amputee
rehabilitation setting
26 The food explorers group 28 To infinity and beyond
29 Volunteering changed my life 40 Neonatal OT on tour: Small babies, Big Apples
30 A lifelong journey
The development of a ‘Food Explorers’ group for boys with
learning difficulties has been having positive results. Laura
Hawkins and Sarah Motto explain
When Jayne Le Grice volunteered for a charity as a teenager,
little did she anticipate that it ‘change her life’ and lead to her
training to become an occupational therapist just a few years
Background image
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Emily Hills reflects on her recent study tour, which involved
shadowing two experienced neonatal occupational therapists in
New York City
After page 46
RCOT annual review
Sarah Lawson and Deb Hearle update on their work around
continuing professional development
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Dr Channine Clarke and Sarah Mead report from the third
national conference for occupational therapists working in
diverse settings
Highlights of the professional body’s key work in 2018
Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this
publication do not necessarily reflect those of the Royal
College of Occupational Therapists. The publication of
advertisements does not constitute endorsement of
the advertised products, services or events by the
Royal College of Occupational Therapists. A guide for
contributors is available on request or on the website.
Deadlines: Editorial: 26th of the month. Advertising:
1st of the month.
Occupational Therapy News is published on the 15th of each month by the Royal College of
Occupational Therapists Ltd, a registered charity in England and Wales (275119) and in Scotland
(SCO39573), 106-114 Borough High Street, Southwark, London SE1 1LB.
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printed in England by:
The Lavenham Press Ltd,
tel: 01787 247436